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Community groups & landowners in the Erme catchment from Dartmoor to the Erme Estuary Marine Conservation Zone

- Cornwood, Harford, Ivybridge, Ermington, Holbeton, Modbury and Kingston.

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South Hams CIC

Sustainable South Hams connects, supports and inspires local climate and nature action. SusSH events aid networking  and they support initiatives such as the Rivers Scrutiny Group. Find groups, projects, mentors, and resources such as parish carbon footprints

PL 21
Transition Initiative

PL:21 is a CIO promoting collaborative  projects in the postcode region in key areas: food; energy; transport; community; ecology and economy.

Field Lab

FFL, funded by DEF and is working with soil mircobiologists to discover how soil health can be managed in a low tech way to benefit

 our waterways.

Ugborough Parish

G-Up is sustainability group to collate ideas and encourage and support action towards making the wider community of Ugborough, Bittaford and the smaller hamlets in the Parish more sustainable


Climate & Environment

HCE is a subcommittee of the parish council which meets monthly to discuss local issues relating to nature and the environment.

EE consists of Interested people sharing ways to make our community less polluting and more self sufficient. 

Environment Group

CEG is a parish group which has undertaken a hedgehog survey and a churchyard biodiversity project. 

Modbury Wildlife
Action Group

MWAG is affiliated to Modbury Parish Council and is currently working on small-scale biodiversity improvement projects and water quality. 


Erme Valley Groups

to add a group working on nature and the environment in the Erme Catchment

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